"We Love Canines"

"We Love Canines"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Remote Dog Collars - Good or Bad?

I hear talk of people that are looking for the best options in dog training. Many seem to talk of this one size fits all option referred to as the “E-collar”. It can also be recognized as the shocker collar. It is true that there are some advantage and also disadvantages to the collar option. I would like to take a moment and just highlight a few pros and a few cons to think about before you make the leap.

Some the good point to the collar are:

~ Immediate response from the dog.
~ Anyone of any responsible age can use the tool
~ Consistent...That is the way that the tool adminster its correction (shock) is consistent
~ Socially accepted as a training tool

Some of the cons are:

~ Range. Dogs run fast and can possibly outrun the range of the remote
~ damage when wet. If your dog is like most than water is an issue
~ Batteries can die and it will be at the most inopportune moment
~ Some see your dog as an immediate threat because they assume your dog can become aggressive based on the sheer appearance of an extreme training tool.
~ In consistent administrating of the device on the part of the owner, thus confusing the dog.
~ Causes the dog to learn out of fear. When the collar is removed that bad behavior can continue.
~ causes owners to become lazy in training their dog.

All in all it comes down to any training tool. If you are looking to use it make sure that you attend a training class administered by a professional trainer so that you and your dog can learn to use the collar properly. Nothing takes the place of proper training and discipline in the lives of our dogs.